Sunday, January 20, 2008

2 Day Shopping Rate Boost Promotional Rates

Thanks to those who voted on the blog regarding which merchants we should increase the shopping rates for. Here are the new 2 day only rates:

Advertiser Everyday Rate 2 Day Only Rate
4InkJets ------15%------ 20%
AVON------ 5.5% ------7.5%
Drugstore------ 6.5%------ 9%
Ebay---- 32% (cost to seller to list your item)------ 75%
Oldnavy/GAP ------3.1%/3.3% ------3.8% ------3.6%------ 5%
Shoebuy ------12%------ 15%
VisaPrint ------13% ------18%
Walmart ------2%------ 3.5%
Yves Rocher------ 10.5% ------13.5%

These rate boosts are only good MONDAY 1/21 & TUESDAY 1/22. You must mention in the confirmation email you sent us that you are getting the rate boost. If this promotion will be a great success and we receive positive feedback we will make sure these promotions repeat more often.

***Please note we didn’t do a boost on Disney , Best Buy, HomeDepot, Kohl’s, Newegg or Barnes Nobles because there isn’t much of a boost that we can give you on it this month to make the promotion sound good.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Which shopping store would you like to see a rate boost for?

2007 Cyber Monday Holiday promotion is back even though it's not even the holidays!

On Monday 1/21 and Tuesday 1/22 we will increase the cash back rate for 10 shopping sites. Rate boost can be as much as double the current rate . Which stores should we increase the rate for? It is up to YOU.

Simply post a comment on this blog with the store(s) you would like a rate boost for. At the end of the week the top 10 stores with the most requests will have their rate boosted.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why stuff does not credit & what can I do to make sure stuff credits.

Some members email us constantly saying that their offer(s) don’t credit. Even though this only applies to about 2% of our database I still decided to create this guide to help everyone out who has crediting issues.

How come stuff does not always credit?

98% of the offers in QuickRewards do credit. Sometimes the instant creditor gets jammed, but if it does that then it always catches up on what it didn't upload. If there was a crediting issue the advertiser never uploaded your transaction into their report and therefore the instant creditor has nothing to pick up. If you don't see credit that does not mean that it is the instant creditor's fault. I would say that 2:100 members are only having a crediting issue. If we see that specific offer(s) don’t credit for a majority we remove them from the site. Nothing is ever perfect and nothing tracks 100%. If 1 or 2 out of 10 offers don’t credit this isn’t a big issue. Crediting depends on a lot of things and one of the issues in the rewards program industry is that there are many competitors that have the same offers so if you are jumping from one site to another or if your security settings are too high these are the most common reasons why things don’t credit. In addition to that it can be that your computer firewall or software is blocking the cookies or your security is too high. There is no rewards program in existence where 100% of the things credit.

What does QuickRewards do when things don’t credit?

QuickRewards has one of the friendliest policies regarding manual credits. If things don’t credit that means QuickRewards never got paid for the transaction from the advertiser because your transaction never tracked. If shopping does not credit we can always email the advertisers and request manual credit. If freebie offers don’t credit we can’t email anyone since they will never pay for “freebie” offer that are missing, but we can give a courtesy manual credit at our expense(not many sites do that). Of course we can’t afford to keep paying a specific member manually credits if they constantly have errors either. If a trial offer does not credit we try to email the advertiser. If the advertisers don’t respond we always refund the amount you spent on the trial.

Here is a little guide on what you can do to get things to credit:


1) I highly suggest that you use Firefox over Internet Explorer. It has better results and more secure.
2) Make sure you have the following settings:

Internet Explorer (click on TOOLS on top -> Internet Options -> Privacy (top tab) -> Advanced)

Make sure that always allow session cookies and override cookies box is checked. Also make sure that first and third party cookies are set to allow.
Also you have to make sure that your security settings is not set to high. To do that go to TOOLS -> Internet Options -> Security tab on top -> custom level and make sure on the button it says medium or low.

Firefox (click on TOOLS on top -> Options -> Privacy tab on top)
Make sure everything is checked except for always clear my private data after I close Firefox (unless you want this checked).

3) It is VERY important to clear cookies before doing larger offers or shopping. This way if you use multiple rewards programs or if you use coupon sites to locate coupons they will not get credited for these transactions and you/QR will. You should clear cookies occasionally before using our link or more frequently if you are doing large shopping orders or larger offers. Here is how to clear cookies:

Internet Explorer:
Tools on top -> Internet Options -> Delete cookies


Tools -> Clear private data -> Check cookies box and click on clear private data

Does the email you use to do offers matter?

The email you use to do offers can also play an essential role in if something credits or not. I don’t know why, but lately I seen a lot less offers crediting for those who use Yahoo. I suggest you get a gmail account(GOOGLE). This seems to be the best email system to use not only because it credits best, but because they give you a lot of space. You can get a free account by visiting this link:

If none of the two suggestions work please try the following:

1)Firewall/Popup blockers:

Try to disable them, do one offer and enable them back. See if that offer credits. Sometimes firewalls/popup blockers block cookies

2)Downlaod CCleaner.

I heard a lot of members have less problems after downloading it.
“CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware! :)”

3) Do you have Spyware Search and Destroy?

Make sure immunization settings are off. This causing crediting issues too because it blocks cookies


If an order does not credit 99% of the time it does not credit because you use a code/coupon not supplied by QR. Email us first to double check if you can use that coupon.

I hope this guide helps out a lot of members. If you have any questions feel free to post them here. If you have other suggestions on what members can do to avoid crediting issues please leave a comment!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wacky QuickyPot promotion is back with more prizes

Do you remember the popular Wacky QuickyPot promotion we had last year where we selected 10 offers and the QuickyPot for each offer grew every time member did an offer and then that pot was split among everyone? Well it’s back and better then before!

We will once again have 10 offers (At least 5/10 will be new. 7/10 freebie offers and 3/10 trial/shopping) and this time instead of having one out of the new offers being the secret bonus pot 3 of them will be! That’s right 3/10 QuickyPot offers will not only give you the fraction of the pot, additional bonus. 2 freebie offers will each have a 5,000 token bonus and 1 of the trial/shopping offers will have 100,000 token bonus (bigger bonus since a lot less members will do these).

This promotion begins Wed morning and ends Friday 18th 11:59pm EST.
Let us know if you have any questions.