Friday, May 25, 2007

2 new features for you to enjoy


The first trivia game will start either later today after midnight (EST) or by Saturday midnight (EST). Unlike the old trivia game everyone wins this time. If you get the answer correct you will instantly be rewarded 50 QuickPoints. You may still submit us your trivia questions and you will receive $0.02 if we use it. All the details will be found on the trivia page.

UPDATE: TRIVIA IS LIVE! The trivia tab is located next to the Surveys tab. Please note that if you get the answer correct it can take a few seconds (a minute) for the QuickPoints to show up.

Daily Survey enhancement and introduction to the QR Survey Club
Next week you will see an enhanced version of our daily survey portal. Not only will the new survey portal look a lot more attractive than the current one, but it will allow you to save all your data. You will not have to enter your demographics (age, sex and so on) every time you take the surveys daily which will save you some extra time.

Starting June you will be able to participate in the QR Survey Club which will give you an extra incentive for doing daily surveys. In addition to $0.75 you earn daily you can get monthly bonuses:
Complete 15 surveys in a given month and get a $3 bonus
Complete 20 surveys in a given month and get a $5 bonus

Please feel free to leave any comments/suggestions. Let me know if you have any questions.

Another HUGE suprise is coming in June, but I am keeping my mouth shut right now :)


Unknown said...

All the new things sound great, but oh the suspense about the secret! lol

Unknown said...

QR is my favorite rewards site! I look forward to the new features!

Susan said...

I love the coming survey enhancements. I was so skeptical of the new QR site when you were having so much trouble, but it has turned out to be great! Congratulations and thank you for a wonderful rewards site.

nelda said...

The new site is great and just keeps getting better! I have a question about the daily survey...Will we still need to wait a full 24 hours before doing the next day's survey, or will we be able to do one survey at anytime during each 24 hour period?

Dmitry said...

Hi Nelda,
The 24 hour rule for the surveys will remain the same. It is not something we can control or alter.

kptx92 said...

Thanks Dimitry for all your hard work!

Vicky said...

QR is also my favorite rewards site and I am so glad I can finally access and use the new site.

I have one question about the daily survey, however.

Every time I try to do the survey, no matter the time of day or night, after I put in my information on the first page and go to the survey itself, I get a message saying something about the survey being full and taking me to another page that says "try again." I have in the past spent a lot of time trying to qualify for the "try again" surveys and never did, so it isn't worthwhile in my opinion. Too much time for the reward you might or might not get from it.

Dmitry said...

Hi Vicky,
They only credit for initial surveys if you qualify. If they tell you sorry and then redirect to another survey Greenfield does not reward for these. I spoke to them and they are changing this in a few weeks so that more people qualify.

Unknown said...

Oooooo! A June surprise! I'm so NOT good at waiting!

I can't wait to find out what it is!:)

nelda said...

Hmmm, I am seeing something new and interesting in my acct! I wonder if it could have anything to do with the surprise that is coming...LOL (I won't tell!)

Dmitry said...

Hi Nelda,
Yes it is part of ONE of the many surprises we have planned for June.

bmcalister said...

I like surprises too!

Farley said...

I hope the surprise is the games feature. That would be awesome, but I we can only hope. Thanks for all the work you guys are doing. great job!