Here is a new promotion with a little twist to the popular member appreciation promotion we had last month and best of all you get to choose what your bonus will be. The promotion starts Monday 7/23 and runs through Friday 7/27 midnight EST.
Choose your promotion:
CHOICE 1: 1,2,3
Earn $3 or more on day one, earn $2 or more on day two and $1 or more on day three and get $2 bonus
CHOICE 2: 1,2,3,4,5
Earn $5 or more on day one, earn $4 or more on day two, $3 or more on day three, $2 or more on day four and $1 or more on day 5 and get a $5 bonus.
1) These earnings include offer completions only and not daily surveys or shopping. All the offers have to be credited in your account with the exception of trial offers that take more than a day to post.
2) You can’t earn all the money in one day to get a bonus, but we are giving you a one day grace period in case you can’t participate one day. So for example if you are doing 1,2,3,4,5 promo and missed the 3rd day you can still earn $3+$4 on next day and qualify for the bonus.
Claiming bonus:Email after you meet the requirements
2 common questions (Thanks Judy)
" Does the amount earned for each day have to be in that order? (earn $3 > first, then $2, then $1) or can one earn $2 on day one, $3 on day two, > then $1 on day three, for example? "
ANSWER: NO. As long as you earn $6 or more within 3 days no matter if you do 1,2,3, 3,1,2, 2,1,3 or whatever does not matter.
"Do the three days of earning need to be consecutive (e.g., $3 on > Monday, $2 on Tuesday, $1 on Wednesday) or can there be days in > between, as long as all 3 days are within the time frame of Monday > 7/23 - Friday 7/27? ($1 on Monday, $3 on Wednesday, and $2 on Friday, > for example)"
ANSWER: They don't have to be consecutive days unless you are going for the 1,2,3,4,5 promo
Is this promotion kind of confusing or not? What do you think about the concept? Would you prefer something like this where it breaks it down into various days or let’s say would you rather want something like you earn $10 total in 5 days you get a $1 bonus? (we can still change it based on the comments we get)
Do we have to email you ahead of time before the promo starts to let you know what promo offer we want? I am a little confused.
Nope. You just email us at the end of the week with that you were able to do.
An interesting concept. Actually, with different requirements for each day, it adds an element of playing a game to doing all the offers and a bit of a challenge to pick out what you are going to do.
Not really interested as I don't 'shop' or 'buy' much of anything, anywhere, at anytime.
My main source of 'points' - 'rewards' from QR is the non-buy ones: surveys, trivia, etc.
Thanks anyway and good luck to all :)
Well this includes the "freebie" offers if I read it correctly so I don't think shopping is really key in this promotion.
Dmitry correct me if I'm interpreting it wrong.
I think it sounds like a fun promo and a great way to get me over that last little bit I need to keep my tokens for this month.
Being new to this all, I would like some clarification to what qualifies and what doesn't for the promotion.
thanks Dmitry
All signups/trials and surveys (the one time surveys) qualify except for two things:
1) daily $0.75 opinion surveys
2) shopping
The reason these two don't qualify is because daily $0.75 survey has its own promotion (survey club) and shopping has the frequent shopper promo.
I hope that clears things up.
I like this promotion, but am confused by the example that is given for the one day grace period. If we missed day 3, wouldn't we need to do $3 + $2 on the 4th day instead of the $3 + $4 given in the example? (Day 4's amount is $2, not $4)
Hi Nelda,
This example works well on 1,2,3,4,5 promotion since it has more days in it. If you miss the last day there is no extra day to make it up, but I guess if a member emails us for more time we will honor it. After all this is a member appreciation promotion.
I like the idea.
Promotion is kind of confusing. I think a scaled promotion is tough to manage. I would rather see a consistency challeng (i.e. 1,1,1 or 3,3,3, or 5,5,5) It is easier to do the same thing each day than different amounts on different days.
Too confusing
Robert and Rebekah what do you think is confusing about it? How it works or the rules of it or what exactly you need to do?
I just tried to do about 8 of the Consumer Surveys under Contests and all of them come up as Survey Spot which requires a pay of $34.**. Any idea of what has happened, Demitry
Hi JustDeb,
All these expired. They will be removed over the weekeend.
Hope new ones are coming up... was scoping everything out; getting ready for 1,2,3,4,5!!!!
In this promotion, do you do 1 offer per day for either 3 or 5 days, or do you have to do 1 on the first day, 2 on the second and so on? As for the credits, is it $1 on the first day, $2 on the second...?
We will upload more offers today.
You can do as many offers in a day as you like. We just require a minimum of $1, $2 or $3 during a different day.
Like Nelda, I am confused by the example in the 1,2,3,4,5 promotion because it reverses the order. Which order is correct?
$5,$4,$3,$2,$1 or $1,$2,$3,$4,$5?
Carol you can chooose it anyway you like. Whatever is easier for you.
In regards to the 1,2,3,4,5 promotion, what if you make over 5$ a day? That that still qualify?
Hi alexkendahl,
That's fine. As long as it is over $1, $2, $3 or $4 during a specific day that's fine.
I am off to a good start. I just need .30 more to get my $5.00 for today. But I can't seem to get that last 30 cents to credit!! This is fun. Thanks Dmitry.
Is the ink one that pays a flat fee for any order considered shopping? I assume it is but it never hurts to ask.
Will the site be up soon to we have time to get some stuff done??
Hi luvhockey,
All the inks located in the super shopping section pay for any size order. The site should work now.
I guess what I meant was since the promo doesn't include shopping then these flat rate ones also aren't included correct?
flat rate offers are included in the promotion. Only shopping with %% cash back is not included.
How many times can a person do a flat rate offer? I did Shoebuy back in June but one can never have too many shoes!! :)
Kathleen, allows multiple orders. Most others do too.
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