We need you to help us test a new feature that will allow us to introduce even more features in the next couple of weeks as long as this works. We need you to try out our forum and give us suggestions and report bugs. Sorry, but the new features are top secret for now, but I know everyone will enjoy them.
The forum you will see now is far from being the final version. It is not attractive looking or barely has any features. The point of the current test is to see how well it functions. We will worry about the looks and features in a few days. Remember that this forum is not a ready code such as most other forums you see on the web. It was created from scratch so that in the future it will be incorporated with our site. The current forum also does not have any categories. A lot more of them will be added once it is live.
How can you help?
1) Click on the FORUMS tab on the very top to the right. No need to register since your username is your QR username. (PLEASE READ THE TERMS BEFORE USING THE FORUM)
2) Look around the forum and try to respond to some thread or feel free to start your own. If you get any technical errors or have suggestions feel free to post them. There is a BUG REPORTS thread.
Your help is very appreciated. The more members that can help us test the better. Once the forum is fully live you will not regret it. The whole point of this forum (without me spilling the secret features) is to communicate with other members, discuss offers, discuss strategies and much more. The forum will also focus on ways to save money by shopping online and freebies (real freebies).
I have no forum tab on my page. in the upper right is "create Blog" and "sign in". Am I missing something?
Mary Jane
Hi Maryjane,
It is on the QR site not on the blog.
I tried just now but the forum page wouldn't load.
HI, i just tried to and it wouldn't load,
It will not load for me either.
Wouldn't work for me either.
I can access the forum and read all the posts, but I can't post a reply. I saw another poster had the same problem and they went back to QR and logged in again there and then was able to post. I tried the same thing, but I just can't seem to be able to post. Keeps telling me to log in :(
everytime I try to reply it asks me to login.......
It should work now. We transfered the forum to another server. You must be logged into QR to see it.
I have been able to look around on the forum, but am still getting the "please login" when I've tried to post. (I use Firefox)
The forum is a neat idea!!! I'm really looking forward to it!
With the "login here" that was added, I was able to post using Firefox.
Everything is shaping up very nicely! :D
I tried replying to the "What credited today?" post. I typed my reply and I clicked on "reply" and it sent me to a create thread page, and then it said error and sent me to a blank page.
Hi Aaaron,
I alerted our tech regarding this. Try posting in a few hours.
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