Thanks for all your feedback a few weeks ago regarding the idea of donating unused tokens before they expire. We got way too many requests for charities and we still have to find a way to organize all these. (Any feedback on how to select from the charities to feature would be very appreciated because I don’t want to avoid all the smaller charities and only donate to the larger once that everyone knows about. I think of it this way: the larger once like Red Cross will always get funding sources form millions of people, but the smaller once will have a harder time. So if anyone has suggestions on how to make this fair for everyone without displaying every single charity at once let me know!)
Anyways back to the point……………….I was reading Disboards a few weeks ago and found a post that I felt I needed to help in any way I can. A Disboards member, loveisforevertoo was asking others how to raise money for her niece. She is a big Mickey fan and might never have a chance to see Disney. Here is her story:
“Hello my name is Tina DeCesaro, you may recognize me from the Disboards as loveisforevertoo. I have a niece who has a medical condition that is causing her to go blind, before she completely loses her sight I wanted to give her the chance to go to Disney World. For about 6 months I searched for a program that would help make her dreams come true, but because she was not terminally ill no one could help. that’s when I decided to start a program called for a child’s wish. This will help children from every walk of life have a dream fulfilled. Thank you for any contribution you can make!”
This will be our first donation project for August and September. Hopefully together we can donate enough to buy her niece the tickets to go to Disney. A lot of you should know loveisforevertoo since she always posts in Disboards. Get your tokens ready. You will be able to start redeeming them for this cause in a few days.
Check out her site:
What about the old "pull it out of a hat" trick? It Seems large and small charities were mentioned ...In all fairness just pick one and remove it from the hat until they're all gone - then we'll start over again and of course be open to new ones memtioned... ;)
I like the idea of drawing them out of a hat, but how about taking them 3 or 4 at a time and letting us choose which charity is awarded our tokens.
Count me in for donating tokens to forachildswish for Tina's niece. I pray that her niece is able to take a trip to Disney World and SEE Mickey Mouse!
Thank you Dmitry for finding a way for the QR "community" to help someone in need.
I agree with Floridagrandma. Pick 3 and then let us choose which one we will donate to for that month.
Yes count me in also for the donation to
for Tina's niece
Is this a real non-profit agency?
By real I mean is it fully registered with the goverment as a non-profit.
I like FloridaGrandma's idea too, of having a couple to choose from. Cause what if you have only 1 charity & some people don't like their ethics & don't want to give their tokens to that particular charity. It would be nice to have at least 2 to choose from.
I have a question: Say you have 5000 points. Half (2500) will be rolled over to next month.
Do I donate the 2500 points that I will be loosing anyway (the ones that won't be rolled over to next month) and then keep the other half?
Hi Sandy,
You can't donate only the half you are loosing (we dont have a way of coding that). You can only donate whatever extra tokens you don't plan to use.
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