Sunday, September 23, 2007

Super Wacky Crazy QuickyPot Day/New QR rule (good news)

9/26 and 9/27 is our first ever Super Wacky Crazy QuickyPot Day.

It is works just like a regular weekly QuickyPot, but with a twist: everyone will win part of the pot! In addition to the shared winnings some lucky members will win an additional 10,000 tokens each. The more members that participate, the more tokens everyone shares.

How it works:
10 offers are going to be uploaded and each of them will have each own QuickyPot jackpot that keeps increasing for two days each time a member completes the offer. The more members that participate, the bigger the jackpot grows. You may do as little as 1 or as much as 10 offers. On 9/28 we will split the individual progressive jackpot between everyone that participated. Remember that you also get paid to do that offer.

Another bonus:
1 of the 10 offers will be selected at random at the end of the contest as the featured offer. Everyone that participated in that specific QuickyPot will receive an additional 10,000 tokens in addition to the jackpot tokens that everyone shares.

Starting end of September you will now have 2 months to earn $50 ($25 each month) before tokens are 50% lost. This way if you don’t reach $25 the first month you have until the end of the next month to earn earn a total of $50(for two month combined). Here is the current schedule:

September: All tokens will be carried over
October: Those who didn’t each a total of $50 between Sept + October will lose 50% of the tokens
November: All tokens will be carried over
December: Those who didn’t each a total of $50 between November + December will lose 50% of the tokens

This should give everyone more flexibility in terms especially if you don’t have enough time or good offers to do one month you can catch up the next month. FREQUENT SHOPPERS AND QR TESTERS STILL GET 100% TOKENS CARRIED OVER EVERY SINGLE MONTH EVEN IF THEY DON’T EARN $25 A MONTH.

Let us know if you have any questions/feedback/suggestions regarding the promotion or the new rule.


Lucette said...

Wow I'm disappointed with the changes. Last night I was checking out the token redemptions, and was thinking to myself that it will take forever to earn a QR tshirt. Now it will take double that. :(

Dmitry said...

It is the SAME as before. You still need to earn $25 and $25 each of the two month. Except this time if you earn $15 first month you can earn $35 the next. It is more flexible.

Slingshot377 said...

Yep, they are saying if you don't make the 25$ this month, say you only make 15$, then next month you have to earn that months $25 plus whatevrer you needed to finish last months 25$ to save your tokens. Same system, just improved.

Dmitry, I saw the nice click. THANK YOU EVERYONE AT QR!

Lucette said...

Oh ok I didn't realize that. I hadn't been to QR much until recently since the site was revamped -partially because of the problems with the site at the beginning and partially because of being really really busy as a single working mom. Now the kids are in school and the site is great so here I am :)

I've been a QR member for years and even in my down time this was, is, and will always be my favorite rewards program. Thanks for clarifying.

Slingshot377 said...

Yep, this is my favorite aswell. Mostly because it has a reasonable minimum cashout (well, NO minimum cashout!). More importantly, they pay thru PayPal and Canadians can make alot of money on it.

Rob said...

My thought is that if you want me to shop through Quick Rewards when I shop at Amazon and get no credit for it, then you plan on taking half of my tokens at the end of the month, I will shop at Amazon through a different point site where I won't get penalized for no reason.

Dmitry said...

Hi Rob,
Please email us so that I can look into your account.

Slingshot377 said...


I just have one question...
If we completed the offers in the past will we be counted as an entry or do we have to sign up again?

I did like 5-7 of those registrations before, thats why I am asking.

Darth Mama said...

Two of the quicky pot offers are for men only. What about the women who would like to do all 10 offers?

Slingshot377 said...

Women can just right Male when they sign up. I am getting screwed by US only offers (they only allow certain US IPs)

Dmitry said...

Do you have a male in your household? You can ask them to sign up.

You can only do each offer once. Some offers allow more than one signup per household (such as sweeps, surveys) as long as another person in your family signs up. Make sure you read the terms first.

Next time we will try to include new offers only, but this isn’t that easy to do.

red-headed Wilson's said...

So if we have 110% for September when we start October will it start at 10%? I want to make sure that what I make over the 100% carries over and wondered how that would work. THANK YOU.

Evelyn said...

I just checked the list of offers and knowing that all offers can only be done once I have one offer available for me. ;o(

Good luck to everyone.

Unknown said...

I'm new here and a little overwhelmed lol. I'm just trying to do as much as I can. Like reading the Blog though. Can you really make some good money doing this stuff?

Rose said...

I have a question about the $50 amount for two mos. If you cash out before the two mos are up, do you still get credit for that earning amount?


brokun1 said...

ok say i finally get one month that i reach $25...but i cannot double it the next month. then, im s.o.l.? or are u still carrying over the full amount if u reach $25 one month? because i am pretty sure there is no way that i will reach $50 every two months....but, there is a slight possibility that i will have $25 in a month every so often if i am lucky......disappointed in the changes.

Dmitry said...

If you have over 100% now it will carry over to the next month.

Next time we will try to have less offers, but all new once. It’s a brand new idea we are testing to see if members will like this promotion or not. I couldn’t get so many new offers in such as short period of time.

If you cash out that will not in any way affect your progress bar. You can cash out any time. We calculate the $50 based on your activity and not your balance.

We processed over 750,000 payments within the last 5 years. Right now we have more different opportunities than ever before. We will be adding more within the next few weeks. The best way to start to make sure that you don’t miss anything is use the checklist on the front page when you login. If you have any specific questions feel free to email or post here or the forum (still in beta testing phase)

Dmitry said...

Are you able to reach the $25 right now? We had this rule since day one. I am not sure why you are disappointed now because the new rule is NOT in any way worse than before. For two months you still earn $50 right? The only difference is that if you not reaching the target one month you have a chance to catch up the next. Before if you don't reach the target one month points are cut and no second chance.

Lori said...

Am I the only one that can't get the ideal biteto work on the quicky pot?

Lucette said...

Between US only offers and Male only offers, I was only able to do 5.

There's no adult male in this single-parent Canadian household...

Slingshot377 said...

Dmitry, this is one of the BEST promotions i have EVER seen on ANY GPT site! Especially since ALL members recieve a prize, and not just a few lucky individuals as you state.

Unknown said...

The Ideal Bite sign up has never credited for me and I think I have tried to do it several times. I click on the confirmation e-mail and everything but the only way I ever got credit for it was for Dmitry to give me manual credit once.
I know others have gotten it to credit since I have read about it in the forums. Don't understand why it would never credit for me

Lori said...

I just can't even get into the site from the link. Just keep getting page cannot be displayed and I have been trying since yesterday. Guess i won't know if it credits or not. I know people are still getting in cause the pot keeps growing. Guess, I am going to miss out on this one.

Slingshot377 said...

Ideal Bite takes 3-5 hours to credit.

Lucette said...

Ideal Bite takes 3-5 hours to credit? I'm still waiting... Also still waiting for Synovate.

Slingshot377 said...

Synovate took a day for me

Anonymous said...

When will we see the Super Wacky Crazy Quicky Pot tokens added to our accounts. Will they show up so we know how many we received. I got credit for 6/10 offers I tried but haven't seen the bonus tokens yet. Which offer was the special one?

Slingshot377 said...

They said they will distribute it to our accounts over the weekend. I would assume they would show up under you offer history as manual credit.

Dmitry said...

It will be done over the weekend and will be under OTHER (manual credits)

Slingshot377 said...

Meh, I was half right...

Rose said...

I like the new look, but I miss where you click to the next page and get your checkmark done at the same time. That's the only thing I noticed missing. I am glad you got a search box though! It looks good!

red-headed Wilson's said...


I had 116% in September and then today I have 3%. Shouldn't I have 16%?

Dmitry said...

HI deelouise,
Don't worry about it. We will fix this in a few days once the site issue is solved.

Unknown said...

When will we get credited for the Super Wacky Promotion of dividing up the pot? I am anxious to receive my tokens!

Hope it is not forgotten.

Dmitry said...

Hi Sandra,
We just uploaded it. Make sure you see it.

Slingshot377 said...

By the way, you can find the credits at the bottom of your Offer History page located in the My account section. It will be under manual credits.

Unknown said...

If I don't make the $50 mark for Sept and Oct, but fulfill my obligation for frequent shopping, how does the system know not to deduct 50% of my tokens?

Unknown said...

I just signed up for QR at the end of September. So with this rollover of tokens in September (which I didn't really earn any with end of month sign up) now I'm going to lose 50% of all that I have done to try and make the limit? There is no allowance for new members? I think for the first 2 months there should be. I've done very well in one-two months, but not the reequired $50 so as not to lose 1/2 of tokens.