Thursday, October 4, 2007

Disney/Gift card promotion is back and more rewarding then ever!

The Good news:
For every other $25 gift card you request we will add $3 back into your account. For every $25 Disney gift card requested you will get $3 Disney Dollars. (Compare this to the usual $1 bonus per card! This is 12% bonus cash back for every gift card.)

The catch:
All the credits must be earned from October 1st – October 14th. Unlike the previous promotions you will not be able to earn these bonuses for balances earned before October. For this promotion we only will count the credits earned from surveys, signups, clicks, signups that were done starting October 1st. So for example if you have $100 balance, but only $25 was earned in October you will only receive the $3 bonus on the $25 gift card and no bonus on the $75 balance since it was not earned this month.

Promotional cash out dates:
You may take advantage of these rates on: 10/8 and 10/15

Let us know if you have any questions.

UPDATE: We will be adding about 25 new offers within the next few days to help you with the promotion.

Please spend a minute to respond with your feedback. I want to know if you think this promotion is good or not? I need feedback to improve future promotions.


CindyWheeler said...

I personally don't like it, but that is just my opinion. I'm having a hard enough time getting credit for the offers that I do anymore,so I would prefer the other promotions(the older one)to me it was more rewarding.I maybe in the minority but that is just my two cents:)

Dmitry said...

Hi Cindy,
Thanks for your feedback. I will consider that.
Did you try doing 1 MID offer a day to see if it credits? The only reason you are having problems with them crediting is because you trying to do 5+ of them a day. MID offers almost never have crediting issues. You can only do one MID contest a day.

CindyWheeler said...

I"ll send you an e-mail.

Evelyn said...

I have to agree with Cindy. I don't have a problem with not getting credit for signups. My problem is that after doing signups for the last 5 months there is really not many left for me to do. Many of the ones left are ones that I have tried many times over using different email addresses and just can't get credit for them. I will go thru the catagories again to see what is available for me but I don't think I could reach another $25. in a few days. As time goes on I seem to be earning less and less because of the unavailability.

blueX2 said...

I think it is a great promotion but how do we know how much we earned between Oct 1st and 15th? Should we just add up everything on the offer history page that credited since the first?

Also, I think it would have been better if the promotion was posted before it started. I would have worked a lot harder the past 4 days!!

Anonymous said...

I love the promotion butI don't think there is enough time to earn $25 before the cashout days. Today is already Oct. 5th so that gives you 3 days and 10 days to try to earn $25. That is alot of offers or alot of shopping in very little time. I think it would be better to make it the end of the month because that would actually be doable if you worked really hard. I know there is no way I can earn $25 in only 10 days.

Sandy said...

I too like the older promotion MUCH better. I've been saving all my money to cash out for Amazon again.

What about the $3.00/$5.00 bonus for doing Daily Surveys-does the September bonus count for October earnings if we got the bonus in October?

Dmitry said...

Thanks for your feedback everyone. That’s why I ask for it.

Next time I will have both options $3 and $1 off. The only reason we can’t make them all $3 is because there were different promotions in September and we can’t combine balances from both promotions or survey bonuses from September. $3 off per card is a very huge expense for us considering we are paying $25 for each without any discounts. Next time I will just have a smaller discount, but more flexibility. I think that should be ok with everyone.

Dmitry said...

You can just go to your ACCOUNT HISTORY -> OFFER HISTORY and everything is dated there. If you email us we can calculate for you.

nelda said...

I think this is a great 10 day promotion and VERY generous! And it is nice that we can include any earnings from the first of the month!

I have appreciated all of your promotions! I certainly don't see any other sites doing such generous promotions! QR is the best! Thanks!

MagicKimdom said...

I won't be able to take advantage of it myself, but I do agree that it is very generous! Perhaps more advance notice would have helped me plan ahead and therefore actually get to $25 in time? But it is a great offer for those who can take advantage of it. Thanks for always mixing things up and continuing to offer such great and varied promos!

Slingshot377 said...

Woot, bought my new keyboard so I will be active again!

great to see we will be getting another 25 new offers!!

steelers said...

I think the promotions is great offer, I am not into the disney thing, so I would like the one in August. It is a terrific promition. I disagree with the offers discussions. I very seldom have a issue with offers crediting. I can do several mid's a day. Use different emails or dots, Gmail will send you the emails without issue with the dots. Yahoo hotmail will not. If you need to verify your email address the only way to go is gmail with dots. Again Dmitry its a great day at QR,


Dmitry said...

Hi Linda,
This is not DISNEY only. It is for ANY gift card.

steelers said...

Hi Dmitry,
I did not get that when I read it. I looked again I do see every other gift card you request we will add 3.00 back. I did not read that before. Thanks for explanation.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I love the offer. I love the option of being able to earn an additional $3 for every $25, but I do have to agree w/the above posters.

Dmitry, you know I am having a hard time lately getting things to credit. It may be because I'm doing too many in one day, and I've cut back in the last few days, but I'm at the point now, too, where I've either done all the offers, I can't do them, or I won't do them.

I'm at a standstill at this point. BUT....I do see where you said you were going to add 25 new offers to help out w/the promotion.

Will these be buried within their respective categories or will you have them somewhere easily obtainable?

Thanks for EVERYTHING you do! This is one of my favorite sites!


Dmitry said...

Hi Deb,
Check the NEW OFFERS section in the checklist daily also check the paid emails. What a lot of members don't know is that new offers almost always go into the paid emails before they go live on the site.

Slingshot377 said...

Yes, the New Offers section on your Daily Checklist is your friend!