Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trick to getting the Universal clicks to work

One of our members, Normilda, posted a great response on one of our blogs on how to get universal clicks to work. I asked a lot of members who emailed us to do this and it works. Thanks Normilda!

"For those of you having trouble with the flash ads - I found a way to make it work.

First off - it won't work in Internet Explorer - but in Firefox it will after you do one thing. Go to the page of daily clicks - click on "tools" at the top - then click on "clear Private data" - put a check mark in the "cookies" box and leave all the other check mark in place - then click "clear private data now". You will then need to sign back in - but once you go back to the page - all the flash icons should be there.

The reason it isn't showing up is because of the cookie used to display this icon - once it downloads onto your computer for you to see it - it disables itself - it is in your temporary cookies - so it isn't seen as a "needed" cookie to save. so it disables itself and just sits as "internet junk" on your computer. So once you clear it and then go back to the website - it sees you need the cookie - and resends it to your computer to be used as a temporary "sessions" cookie."


reblrandy43 said...

i hope that they will work on this issue for us with internet explorer to be able to get credit for those that we are currently not getting !!!!! i know its only a few cents but a penney earned is after all a penny saved :)

Normie said...

There is somewhat of a trick to get it to work on Internet Explorer -but it is time consuming.

First - you have to make sure you allow session cookies - and you have to click in the "accept all session cookies" box on internet explorer. Those who have their protection of cookies on "high" won't get these types of cookies - it may also be why some of your points aren't getting through - because a lot of the ones (especially the ones in the freebie section)use session cookies. If anyone needs to know how to set this up - let me know - you will still be pretty safe if you keep your firewall up.

Second - you have to clear all cookies "AND" temporary internet files. Then you will be able to see them.

you only have to change your "session cookies" setting Once - and it will stay that way. But just as firefox works - you have to clear your cookies "AND" your temporary internet files each day you try.

It is the makers of the cookie - making it a "sessions" or "temporary" cookie that has the design flaw - not quickrewards or even universal - it's the designer of the cookie. Most session cookies sit in your temp files - but have an enabler to allow your pictures and pages to load faster next time - whoever designed these cookies used a technique that they use whenever you are installing a new program on your computer. once installed the program erases (so to speak - actually disable) the session cookie.

Hope this helps for everyone. I teach computers to seniors and displaced workers - and the "cookies" I myself am still learning in classes I take to advance myself.

Take Care Everyone
Have a great day

Unknown said...

For some reason, I can only get it work with Centrum. The Universal clicks don't even show up after clearing the cookies.

Unknown said...

Are the universal banners a regional thing? I am wondering as they have never been there for me. I have the Centrum banners but not any universal banners.
I clear cookies as was suggested like that every time before I sign into QR using a new FF page. I did go and try it today clearing the cookies from the clicks page but I still see not even a place for the universal banners.
Right now I have 20 clicks on the click page.

Dmitry said...

Yes universal is regional. Only Eastern part of US will see it.

Flossysmom said...

Heh I tried the tip today , great stuff. I am glad someone figured it out. I have been missing a lot of points .

Ruthann said...

I can't get it to work. I installed flash, cleared temp. files and cookies...and still nothing. What exactly are ad blockers and how do you disable them?

Normie said...

For Internet Explorer - click on "Tools" - then "Internet Options" - then the "privacy" tab - then under the settings section click "advanced" - put a check mark in "override automatic cookie handling" - then under the First and Third party cookie handling click "Accept" - and then check mark the "always allow sessions cookies" - then click "ok". - then "ok" again on the other screen.

This should allow you session cookies. and allow you to see the ads - I checked with my professor - and he said the only other thing that could be blocking anyone is the configuration of their individual anti-virus softwares - it depends on the level of security settings you have them on - whether you allow internet explorers firewall to run or the firewall of your anti-virus software. It may even be some "web-based" anti-spywares - because they like to catch the "trojans" that usually hide in flash or pictures - so it might be them blocking it.

If you have tried everything else to no avail - it is time to look at the settings on your spyware and virus protection - both programs are great for protecting you - but sometimes they protect you too much - especially against "reward programs".

Hope this helps
Take care
Good luck

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info the centrum to work, but universal is still blank & i live on the east coast. oh well.

LorieR said...

I downloaded Firefox (which my son has been telling me to do for ages) and that took care of the problem! The banners for the Universal clicks are now showing up for me!!

Unknown said...

I finally resorted to downloading Firefox and YEAh it works. With IE I could only get the Centrum one to work.

Autumn Dreamer said...

I downloaded Firefox but can still only get the Centrum banners to work. I've followed all the directions and Universal still won't show clickable for me. :(

I hate rotating banners.

rainny said...

I have internet explorer and I did everything "normie" suggested and it still does not work :( I live in the eastern part of US also. Shame this doesn't work for everyone and just for some. That adds up everyday if it works for you. 6 clicks 4 worth 75 gp 2 40 gp and also the 0.01 thats almost 4 cents a day some of us can't get. I have no idea what foxfire is or how to change from internet explorer or even if want to make that change, Just wish they could put clicks that we ALL can get credit for. Doesn't seem quiet fair to us that can't get it.

Dmitry said...

Hi Rainny,
Go here to learn more about Firefox and to download it (It's free)

Debbie said...

Well, this solution usually works great for me, but I wanted to try something this morning....

If you clear everything, you DO have to sign back in, BUT I find that once you sign in and then go back to the Daily Clicks page, the flash banners ARE NOT THERE! Even if you refresh. I have to clear everything again for them to show up, which means I am not signed in...AND IF I'm not signed in when I do the clicks, am I getting credit for them (they show up as completed). Deb

Debbie said...

Alright, I am COMPLETELY confused now! Normally, I do my Daily Clicks in FF because all the banners will show up in it with no problems.

However, this morning, they weren't showing up at all, so I tried clearing cookies....only one Centrum showed up--none of the others. If I clear cookies again, the system signs me out, and the OTHER Centrum shows up. If I try to sign in again, the Centrum goes away. If I DON'T sign in, the Universal banners aren't even an option.

Why so many problems with the banners this morning? I've been doing them for awhile now in FF with no problems?

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! Debbie

Anonymous said...

I had the same problems as Debbie this morning in Firefox trying to do the Universal clicks. I'll check back to see if anyone has suggestions since I have no clue.


Unknown said...

Same problem here. FF worked fine the last two days but not today. Only one Centrum showed up in FF and the other one showed up with IE. Non of the Universal banners are showing up in FF or IE

Unknown said...

Incidentally, I just noticed the time clock is off by an hour. Somebody must have set the clock back a week early.

Dmitry said...

These clicks are back and should be working now.

Lori said...

They are back but they are not crediting when you refresh the page. I have done them twice now and still not crediting.

Dmitry said...

Hi Lori,
I will have the tech fix it. We didn't change anything so it should credit.

Lori said...

I just tried again and iy's still not crediting on my end.

rainny said...

Well for the last couple days I am having big problems getting the hourly clicks to open. I spent almost an hour refreshing my page and in all that time got 2 of them to open. I refresh to many times and my computer freezes up. I try and do the clicks every hour I am on my computer, It is 3:46 am and been trying since 3:00am just to do the hourly clicks WOW I just give up on even trying.