Saturday, May 3, 2008

CONTEST: What I would like to see on the blog….

We are in the process of redesigning the blog so that we can have our own internal blog and not use this Google one. This will allow all QR members to communicate since you will not need a Google account to post. Our own blog will also allow us to have more flexibility in terms of bumping content up (Google does not let me do that) as well as post multiple subjects at once without you having to scroll down the blog. Another great benefit (for our Monthly blog contest) is that you will no longer have to scroll down through 100 responses. There will also be more member interaction.

We want to know what you would like to see in the new blog. What do you like/don’t like about this current blog. Any suggestions on what the new blog should focus on?

Leave a comment or send a response to Later next week we will select two winners. Each will receive a choice of M or XL QuickRewards Tshirt!


blinki said...

I would like to see special shopping rates or even sales codes to use while shopping throuhg QR shopping links.

laura k said...

I think the new blog should focus on helpful hints on getting offers to credit. By members remarks, most are having this problem.

Unknown said...

. . . . . I would like to see separate blogs for (1) shopping (special rates and codes), (2) the monthly blog of offers that credited for people, and (3) Dmitry's comments about the current situation on QR (whether the instant creditor is running late or if survey credits are delayed). If I am in a hurry I prefer not to read too many posts to get to an item of interest. Thanks so much for listening to our suggestions!

Deborah said...

I'd like to be able to click on Blog and see a list of subjects which could be clicked on (similar to the Navigation list on the Home Page) Also, the Blog should always have a click for questions and answers for Dmitry.

salidasandi said...

I would like a blog with "navigation" buttons by topic. i.e. A.What credits today? B. Dimitry's QR status if there are problems/upcoming contests etc. C. Helpful hints to get things to credit D. Shopping rates/promos E. Problems/Concerns with different offers

I really do appreciate that the whole QR team is so connected and responsive with your Members. Keep up the grand work. You do make it fun for all of us...

iluvdisney said...

I agree with the 1) special shopping rates, 2) sales codes, 3) how to get offers to credit,
4) questions/comments from or for Dmitry, 5) an area that we can request new businesses to be added to the shopping lists and 6) Problems/concerns.
Thanks for all the hard work!

Unknown said...

I would like it for people who post comments to the blog to be able to edit them later, as they can on many message board sites. Currently, we can't do that. This will probably be easier to do because the blog will not be from Google.

luvhockey said...

I'd like the ability to start our own own threads.
A search function to look up answers to questions that may have already been answered.

Separate sections for shopping, freebie credits, survey and paid trial questions/info.

We need a place to ask questions that others can answer. I think this will help get answers quicker, you're (Dmitry) only one person and people that have been on this site awhile may be able to answer questions and leave you time for stuff only you can do,

richard said...

I love that the blog allows people to share hints about what credits, asking others questions, and also giving/getting tips on how to use the QR site better.

I wish there was an easier way to see the current postings without having to scroll through 200 posts though. Also, I wish there was a way to sort items by topic, like the others have suggested--what credits, and what doesn't, also if someone is having a problem with one particular offer crediting they could see if others get credit for that item. Finally, I think it would be interesting to see if some of the older offers credit--so maybe have an area for an offer that has been around for sometime (like NFO survey signup), and see if it credits--that's how I decide to do most of my offers--by reading what others have said credit, but since most of these are new offers, I think I miss out on some of the older offers that are still available.

Thanks for asking our input!

maiah said...

first, i think that having our own QR forum would be awesome, im sure we all are gonna enjoy our time chatting with other member and knowing about offers and giving advices to new members. Also, it would be nice to get paid for posting?

second, how about a daily contest or earn a buck for an offer done for the day contest? just a thought!

maiah said...

one more thing, maybe we should have a member name, for example: a member posted

1-50 newbie/beginner
51-100 Full member
101-150 Jr. Member
151-200 Sr. Member
201-250 Hero Member


shadow37 said...

Most of the stuff that people are suggesting are found in other parts of QR. I would like to see different things on the blog that are not covered elsewhere on QR so there is not so much repetition. Using the blog to explain things that are going wrong is good and letting us know what is happening like when you were out of town is also good.

painterfam said...

I would like to see topics of what offers do actually credit. . Since lately very few of the email offers actually credit for me

Janice said...

I like this idea. I agree with most of the suggestions that are already listed. If you do a link for helpful hints to get offers to credit maybe you could set down the guidelines and then let us ask members how they got certain offers to credit. That would be very helpful.
How about a fun link? Such as "How I spend my QR rewards"?

ladyluck said...

I can't think of anything else that hasn't already been mentioned. I would definitely visit a section on what offers approved and what tips people have on increasing approvals, especially if these tips change with the industry or a specific advertiser.

Dmitry, I'm also glad to get news whenever there's a problem on the site, you're going to be away, or anything else that might change the way the site normally works (so I don't think it's my computer or the advertiser being buggy). As always, thanks for asking for our input and listening to what we have to say :)

Unknown said...

I would like to see all of the information posted stay on the blog and not get deleted. I don't know if there is a storage limit or something that currently forces you to delete certain topics but it seems that when you feel like a topic is no longer relevant, you delete it. Possibly to get rid of clutter? But sometimes an off topic question has been asked and answered and when I try to return to that question the topic has been deleted.

nancy said...

I'd like to see a section where members can post questions unique to QR, maybe seperate parts for technical questions, general things, ?other websites members might like or not like, a place for tips, etc.

Anonymous said...

i love all the syggestions so far. i think it would be great to be able to pm specific members with added comments or questions. i think fun type contests associated just within the blog would be fun even for a few,bingo,identify something, puzzles, etc.
whatever you decide i'm sure will be GREAT!

Unknown said...

I think the interaction between members is something I would like to have. Its helps asking each other questions, like issues with surveys, if I am having a problem, is anyone else. It is helpful and save me wasting time. The shopping specials would be good too, and good deal.

mirandag819 said...

I think it would be great to have more interaction with other users. I'd love to hear how long they have used QR, how much they have earned and what they will be using their rewards for.

I am a new user, registered 2 weeks ago, and I can't believe I've already earned 85 dollars ! I would love to hear about other members success on this site !

heavenheir said...

The previous posters have done a good job listing the things I would like to see. My top favorites are: having shopping codes listed so we can look them up ourselves; being able to edit our posts; and a Q&A for Dmitry (we could still email more private questions!)

I also like the idea of the special contests for blog participants. Also, if there was a listing of all the offers (titles only) and beside them a "thumbs up/thumbs down/or undecided/neutral" symbol to click on with a self-updating counter, this would allow for quick entries. There could still be space for those who really wanted to comment on the offer.

Thanks Dmitry for another great opportunity to give us a say in what we would like to see here. This is by far the best site around!

maiah said...

yeah, me too..there a lot of offers done that didnt credit. so we definitely want to know which one are crediting alright and fast and which one is not, so we dont have to dwell on doing the offer and get frustrated in the end *wink*

maiah said...

i think that heavenheir, meant to say was, she/he is agreeing to idea of getting paid or credited with our posts?

I hope i did not misunderstand it.

David Stroud said...

Here are some of the things I would like to see.

1.Where to shop for stores for people who do not have a credit card. I find that all these places only accepts credit cards and not any other types of online payment methods like PayPal, EGold and so forth.

2. Members can share their ideas and all that with each other like members as guess contributers.

3.More contests like members can contribute like voting on the best recipes, pictures and all that. Could set up a new page for recipes on the site to share among each other.

maiah said...

i also would like to see/know tips from older member how to make more money, hehehe!

can we also post offers that do not credit? i think, it would be more helpful.

casandra_j_k said...

Wow everyone has posted such good ideas. I feel like mine were totally inferior
I think he should consider doing a forum and not just a blog then alot of these things you all are asking for would come with it most likely. I am sure it has crossed his mind already weather to do a forum or not. I like the blog. I wish it looked more like the page. I enjoy the blue and black background on the website.

Maggie said...

I would like to see some help with a way of making money like listin some real at home oppatunites, Some listings of sites that you really can make money threw! Not survey sites different programs out there that are not scams, Home buisnesses that I would be able to join that I can make more money from Thank You Not Google or Tweeter all ready tried! If there is a way of really doing rebates or something like that.