Monday, July 16, 2007

New daily survey router

If you didn’t qualify for daily surveys recently try them now. Today they finally changed the router (it was supposed to be done last week). Starting today a lot more members should qualify for daily surveys. Please give it a try and let me know if you see better results.

Update: Yesterday’s surveys came in and more than double the usual rate. You MUST check them out. The odds of you getting a survey to qualify is now higher than ever.


Jan said...

The 'guess the number' game at noon has nowhere to put the number. I hit the guess number button to see if it were possibly put after the button, and it said I guessed to low yet I entered no number as there was nowhere to enter it.
Will this be fixed and was my chance ruined by clicking the button?

Dmitry said...

The game issue was resoled.

Unknown said...

Thanks for fixing the noon game and thanks for letting us know that we can take surveys again. I haven't been able to take a survey in days but I just took one that credited!!

Thank you!

Unknown said...

I tried the survey today - honestly I haven't been doing them because I was having great difficulty qualifying.
Today, it took only 2 tries and I was able to complete one fully.
I will surely be trying again on a regular basis - hopefully as easy as today . Thank you for the "fix"!!

Unknown said...

Got into a survey easily today - but it didn't bring me back to the QR page when it was done - it did says "congrats, you've completed a survey....." but it wasn't the regular QR - is that ok?

Dmitry said...

Hi Christina,
Yes thats ok. You will see that redirect added tomorrow or Wed. If you don't see the credit tomorrow email me and I will insert it for you.

Unknown said...

Yeah!!!! I finally got a survey!

mistyma said...

how come I keep getting invalid address for the expederian tax survey

Dmitry said...

Experian is having that issue with the address getting invlaid for some members. I don't know when they will fix that.

JP Mielekamp said...

After a week of "you did not qualify" it is now much better!

potcfan said...

Since the switch to the new platform, none of my surveys have been credited. I notice that after finishing the survey, you don't go back to the "congratulations" screen.

Dmitry said...

Hi potcfan,
The new platform was only updated yesterday noon not days before. So there is no way they can't credit. I saw a lot of signups come in the morning. Check your account.

Right now if you don't see a congrats message that does not mean it will not credit. They will still come in. They will add the congrats message within a day or two.

Unknown said...

Didn't I read somewhere there would be a bonus if a certain amount of surveys were completed this month? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Is it still on? and where can I find the details/

Dmitry said...

Hi edward,
Yes. If you complete 15 surveys you get $3 bonus. If you complte 20 surveys in one month you get $5. The details will be back up tomorrow once they bring back our QR survey portal.

JustDeb said...

The survey I completed yesterday has not credited yet and Offer !F94VXV35D5LRH: BigBuck Surveys - Vegas Vacation that I completed on 7-15 has not credited Could you check into these, Dmitry?

Dmitry said...

Hi JustDeb,
You have to email us for us to look into this. For the daily survey mention what the survey was about in your email and if you had any errors let us know what they were.

Edy Vaughn said...

Since yesterday I have been unable to make the surveys come up. I get the old survey page at the start, the one you always had to type everything in every time, and then when I fill it out and click it brings up the hourglass but never finishes bringing up the survey. If I refresh it brings up the same page with nothing filled out.

Dmitry said...

Hi Edy,
The technial bug with surveys was fixed. Try them now and let us know if it does not work.

Edy Vaughn said...

Still not working. It locks up when I click on start survey.

Edy Vaughn said...

It still not working, locks up when I click on "start survey". I've cleared cookies and files but that was no help.

Dmitry said...

Did you try using another browser?

Edy Vaughn said...

I was able to get netscape to work

Unknown said...

I have not been having much trouble with qualifying for the surveys. Maybe I would have to try 3 or 4 times. But today has been impossible. I have tried no less than 25 times and haven't qualified for any of them. Several times it would seem to start a survey and then 8 or 9 pages into it, it would all of a sudden go to, "There are no surveys that you qualify for" after it had already started the survey.
Very frustrating! I know QR has no control over the surveys but just needed to vent. I do clear cookies etc. before starting the survey.

David Stroud said...

I am still having troubles with the Exparien Survey. It keeps rejecting my address.

David Stroud said...

Well, I completed the daily survey, and I still have not been credited yet.

Dmitry said...

Hi Warior Dragon,
Experian issue is still not solved. I don't know if they will ever solve it.

Daily Surveys completed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday are uploaded on MOnday. This is why you still didn't see the credit.

Unknown said...

I am still having problems qualifying for surveys. Is there still a problem? After it was originally fixed, I qualified but now nothing.

Secondly, a survey would say that I qualified and to complete the survey but a couple of questions into the survey it redirects to "Sorry you are not qualified". What is going on? Anyone else having these problems?

By the way, the Experian doesn't work for me either!

Dmitry said...

Hi Sandra,
Please email us so that we can troubleshoot the issue with daily surveys.

No luck with getting Experian fixed yet.

Evelyn said...

just finished doing a survey for Circuit City thru the daily survey link. The site was downloaded. It took quite a long time to do the survey. When I finished it said thank you then IE said it had to shut down so all my pages got wiped out therefore no congrat. page. Will I still get credit for this one?

Dmitry said...

Hi Evelyn,
Please email us with what happened and I will email Greenfield to fix this issue and credit you.

Evelyn said...

Thanks Dmitry, I have just sent you an email